Get In Touch With Me!

Thanks for stopping by my little blog! I hope you’re enjoying what you’re seeing. If you have any questions, comments, requests for post topics or anything else you’d like to share, please feel free to contact me. I can be found on various forms of social media, or, by email:

Enjoy your day!

5 thoughts on “Get In Touch With Me!

  1. Laurie Jirak says:

    Hello! Your workouts are great! I did the Thanksgiving one (the day after Turkey Day) and it was wonderful. Much of your workouts involve weights and are total-body workouts. This is different than the schedule I’m used to of one day biceps/back, next day cardio, next day chest/triceps, etc. How many days in a row do you do total body weight workouts? Is it too much for the body to do 2 or 3 days in a row of these style workouts?

    Thanks for your insight!

  2. Cindy Guertler says:

    I have enjoyed your combo videos. They have helped jumpstart my boxing routines. I have been out of the gym couple years but have contracted with the local parks and rec to teach a kickboxing class…which was very well received for Jan. 1st. Do you have recommendations for music these days…I’m sure I’m using the old school stuff. Also how long is your typical class? Thanks for the great combos and videos.

    • Burpees to Bubbly says:

      Hi Cindy! I’m so glad it helped! I use for my music- you can pick which BPM you want and they always have great mixes! Also, they flow seamlessly from one song to the next so you don’t have to worry about that. My typical kickboxing class is anywhere from 45-55 minutes long, including warm up, core work and cool down. good luck!

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