Wednesday Workout: Holiday Bodyweight Blast #4 {full body Tabata}

Hi everyone! Can you believe that Christmas is less than a week away?! Although I was really on top of gifts and decorating this year, I still feel like the month is going by WAY TOO QUICKLY! And, to top it off, RM’s birthday is on Saturday so it’s a full weekend of celebration activities. I’m not complaining, but its just crazy to think about how quickly it’s all approaching!

I’ve talked to a bunch of people in my office lately who have admitted that during busy times like these, workouts are the first thing to go in order to free up more time for other things. Sound familiar? I get it – it can be hard to fit it all in.

But, that’s where the workouts included in this series come in – they are all quickie bodyweight workouts that can be done anywhere! Today’s workout is 20 minutes, but if you only have 12 or 16 minutes, just do fewer tabata rounds. No biggie. I’m always a big proponent for “something is always better than nothing”, and I feel as though it’s especially critical to get this message out at this time of year to help people realize this. Remember – it can be as easy as one fewer social media scrolling sessions (because, seriously, I think we all spend more time doing that than we would like to admit), it’s less than a 30 minute TV episode or it can be a conversation on the phone. Half of the time we fret about not having time to workout, we spend more time making excuses for why we don’t have time to workout than the time it would take to actually DO the workout 😉

That said, today’s workout is the 4th and final workout in the “Holiday Bodyweight Blast” series. It’s Tabata, which is one of my favorite “best bang for your buck” workouts. It kicks my butt every single time!

Holiday Bodyweight Blast #4- tabata

I think everything should be pretty straight forward, but let me know if you have questions. I plan on doing this again in the next few days  because it gave me a good butt kicking in a short amount of time!

Hope you have a great Wednesday!!


Questions for you: What’s the first thing to go when you get busy? Are you feeling prepared for Christmas?

Wednesday Workout: Holiday Bodyweight Blast #1

Hey there! Happy Wednesday! I’ve been meaning to share details about hosting our first Thanksgiving, but work has been very busy and instead of blogging at night, I’ve been working 😦 But! last night I made the time to get something together with you, mostly because I am so excited about it!

If you’ve been checking out my Instagram stories, you’ve probably seen me mention this #KeepKelmarFit thing, right? This year, my company has allowed me to lead a challenge that encourages people to move more during the busiest time of the year – between Thanksgiving and Christmas. While planning out this challenge, I wanted to keep it simple and show everyone that fitness/movement doesn’t have to be a complicated, super long and involved thing – who has time for that?! But rather, I want to show people little ways they can move such as taking walk breaks, taking the stairs, doing quickie workouts, etc.

Since I know there are many people who might also fall into the “I’m so busy” trap where workouts are replaced with shopping, decorating, drinks, Christmas parties, holiday get togethers, etc., I wanted to share the “Workout of the Week” workouts with you guys 🙂

There will be 4 workouts in this series. None of them require weights and none should take more than 20ish minutes. We ALL have 20 minutes to dedicate to a workout or movement at least a few times a week, right? It’s one less social media scrolling session. It’s less than one episode of a show. When you think about it that way, it doesn’t seem so bad, does it?

This first workout is 5 exercises, 8-10 reps each, 3-5 rounds total.

Lift & Lower Bodyweight Blast.JPG

I think these exercises are all pretty common ones on B2B, but if you want to see demos, make sure to check out (and subscribe) to my YouTube channel!

I’d love to know if you try this – I’ve done it a few times and it’s either a great finisher (if you do fewer rounds) or a complete workout. Stay tuned for the next Holiday Bodyweight Blast workout 🙂

Questions for you: How are you making time for yourself this holiday season? What’s the first thing to go when you’re busy?

Wednesday Workout: Countdown Backside Burner

Hey there! What’s a mouthful in terms of a workout name, huh? I always see people come up with fun workout names, so I was trying to follow suit 😉 I think I need some practice, but I’m up for the challenge!

Anyway, back to this workout. I did this workout a while ago, and even though I wasn’t huffing and puffing throughout it and didn’t feel like it was one of those overly hard workouts, I felt it the next day… a lot! My glutes & back were quite sore, actually.

The beauty of this workout is that you only need a KB & set of DB’s. That, and it doesn’t take very long to complete – I did it within the 30 minutes I give myself for lunch break workouts! I may end up doing this one before Thanksgiving festivities next week (yes, I liked it enough to repeat!).

Backside Burner.JPG

I didn’t video myself doing any of these exercises (sorry!), so if you have questions, let me know and I’m happy to help!

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday – get out there and move!

Questions for you: What’s a workout that you’ve done recently that you really enjoyed?

Wednesday Workout: KB Sandwich Workout

Hi, hi, hi! Is everyone adjusting well to the time change? I have to say, although it’s never fun leaving work when it’s dark, I do like the fact that I’m not driving to work in the dark anymore 🙂

Before I share today’s workout with you, I wanted to give you some information on a yoga class being held tonight at Reebok’s Back Bay Showroom on Newbury Street.  VivaOmm, a fitness brand who has created a Latin-infused workout blending the hottest moves from yoga, pilates, and barre, will be hosting a class that benefits the Veterans Yoga Project. Veterans Yoga Project is a charitable organization committed to providing support to all veterans through Mindful Yoga Therapy. Their mission is to use yoga to support recovery and resilience. In addition to sharing a great workout, VivaOmm is committed to help its community give back via The #GiveWithPassion Project. The project offers a charitable platform accessible to everyone and welcoming of varied areas of passion and strives to make the world a better place one loving action at a time. To start, VivaOmm is committed to spreading awareness of Veteran’s Yoga Project and it’s incredible work.

If you like the sounds of this and are looking for a new and fun way to workout (and place to workout!), make sure to check out additional details here.  100% of the proceeds going directly to the Veteran’s Yoga Project.
Speaking of yoga…. I need to get back into it! Now that the weather is cooling down (finally), and I’m not teaching a bajillion classes, I plan on trying to get to CorePower Yoga in Newton Corner once a week.
Today’s workout doesn’t involve yoga whatsoever, which means there’s no great segway into it, so I’m just going to jump right to it! I don’t remember when I did this workout, which never happens. I assume it was recently as it’s on the lower end of my “workout” note in my phone so it had to have been recently. It looks like a good one, so maybe I’ll just have to do it again 🙂
The way it works is you sandwich your 2 exercise ‘sets’ with 10 KB swings, but if you don’t have a KB you could just use a dumbbell. Each ‘set’ will be done 3x through.
KB Sandwich Workout
As always, let me know if you have any questions, as well as if you try this!
I hope you have a great rest of your week 🙂
Questions for you: What’s been the best part of your week so far?

Wednesday Workout: Bodyweight D.C. Workout {~20 mins}

Good morning! I’m so glad so many of you liked the D.C. recap that I posted earlier this week. To keep the D.C. trip theme going, today I’m sharing a quickie at-home, bodyweight workout that I did in the comforts of our Airbnb. One of the fun things about traveling for me, is coming up with different types of quickie workouts that can be done anywhere. Sure, I could’ve checked out a fitness studio, but the goal for my vacation workouts is to get them done quickly so that they aren’t interrupting our other plans. If I took a class at a studio, it would require more time on my part when you think about how long those classes are, where I would have to travel to get to one, etc. Running is always an option, but with the amount of walking we were doing, the last thing I felt like I needed to do was log more miles.

Of course, and I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again, if I didn’t feel like working out while on vacation, I wouldn’t force it on myself! But that’s generally an every day mindset I try to have. Just because I’m on vacation doesn’t mean I should skip workouts and eat and drink everything in site – that’s just not a mentality that I want to have. Plus, it makes me feel yucky! So, when I travel, I try to keep the same mindset I have when I’m not traveling when it comes to working out and food and drinks: listen to my body! If I feel like resting, I rest. If I feel like having a decadent dessert, I eat it without regret. If I want a salad for lunch, I eat it.

That said, since movement is something that’s so ingrained in me, I generally want to do some of it when I travel, and quickie, at home workouts are generally what I opt for (unless there’s a gym where we stay – in that case I’ll usually check it out!). This one is great because covers all the bases – lower, upper, core & cardio. I was dripping sweat by the time I was finished! Even better? I was showered and ready for breakfast by the time RM got out of bed!

The format of this workout is common to what you generally see on B2B: I picked 6 exercises I liked and felt like doing – on vacation, there is no need to spend time doing exercises you don’t like, no matter how “good” they are for you to do! It’s all about getting in some sort of movement (if you feel up to it!), and doing exercises you like makes it so much better.

Bodyweight D.C. Workout

In case you missed my videos on my Insta Story, some of the ones you may have questions on are here:


As always, I’d love to hear if you tried this out!

I’d also like to hear your thoughts on mindset when it comes to traveling. Do you tend to try and keep the same mindset you have in your every day, non-traveling life or do you tend to “let loose” and eat/drink/not workout with the “hey! I’m on vacation!” mentality?