Boot Camp and Supersets

Where did the “warm” weather go?! I guess this is what comes with the spring season.

How about a little workout for you? I did this in my total body conditioning class last week and it was a good one. The workout starts with a boot camp style and moves to a supersets & cardio style at the end, which is a nice way to break up the class if you ask me!

Boot Camp and Super Set

Obviously this can be modified up or down as you wish. Here are some possible modifications:

1. Don’t use a weight for the squat w/OH extension OR use a heavier weight

2. Step forward into a squat rather than jumping OR jump higher/further

3. Push-ups can be done on your knees OR try lifting a leg

etc., etc. If you’re looking for a more specific modification, please shoot me an email ( or leave a note in the comments section! YouTube is also a great resource to get visuals for the moves (froggers or bunny hops, for instance).

For the supersets, try challenging yourself with the weights! If you usually curl 5’s or 8’s, try going to 8’s or 10’s or 12’s… It might feel tough at first, but you’ll be amazed how quickly your muscles grow stronger when you increase the weight you’re using (I promise, you don’t get bulky! But you will get more tone and definition:) )

Let me know if you try this!

Questions for you: Do you like circuit style workouts or do you prefer workouts where you don’t have to repeat anything? I know I do circuits often, but they aren’t my favorite! They are great for causing muscle fatigue, though:)