The Liebster Blog Award: Questions & Answers

A few weeks ago, Renee, over at Fearless Food & Fitness nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award- how fun! This is the first time I’ve ever been “tagged” or nominated for one of these things and I have to say, I was pretty stoked about it!


Here are the rules associated with this award:

The Rules:

  1. Each nominee must link back to the person that nominated them.
  2. Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers you like and who have less than 200 followers.
  4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Let them know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

Without further adieu, here are the questions from Renee, and my answers:

1. What’s you’re fave place in the entire world (up until this point) to travel to?

Home to Maine, but since that is such a common occurrence, Rome! I studied abroad fall semester of my junior year of college in Bath, England and did a 10 day trip to Italy (Rome, Florence & Venice) and fell in love with Rome. I have been lucky enough to have done a lot of traveling in my life, and out of all the countries and cities I’ve been to, Rome is my favorite.

2. Your favorite place to go out to eat? Or type of food.

French food is absolutely my favorite. I love sauces and interesting meats and French Onion Soup (haha).

3. Craziest thing you’ve ever done?!

Hmmm. Good question. I’m not a very crazy person, but I think running around a huge bond fire, buck naked, during senior week of college would probably be the craziest thing I’ve done. The looks the next day were hilarious.

4. What’s your current profession? Or current studies (if still in school!)

I’m an audit defense consultant by day, fitness instructor/blogger by night. Although my full time job pays the bills, being a full time fitness instructor and blogger is my dream!

5. Favorite song on the radio RIGHT THIS MOMENT.

Hmm… Good question. Anything country, but right now here are some of my more specific favorites: “Things Can Only Get Better”- Cedric Gervais & Howard Jones and “Lovehate Thing”- Wale… These make me want to work out!

6. If you could date/marry any celebrity in the world, who would it be?

Channing Tatum. Duh. Have you seen his body or his dance moves?!

7. What is a current goal or ambition that you have for yourself?

A big goal I’ve always had is to own my own gym or studio. Some day, I would love to be able to do that and blog. I would be so happy!

8. The one movie that you could watch over & over again and not get sick of.

I don’t watch many movies, but it used to be Grease when I was a kid… at this point, maybe PS I love you? I think it is the sweetest love story.

9. What’s your one guilty pleasure? The more embarrassing, the better!

Hmmm. I am so boring when it comes to this stuff! It used to be drinking Diet Coke while grocery shopping (I know, I really live on the edge), but these days it would probably be…. baking just so that I can eat raw cookie or brownie dough. Again, really living on the edge!

And, here are the bloggers I’m nominating: What Meredith Makes, The Truth About Vinyl and Bikini Tops, Fitness and Feta, Nutcase In Point, On An Inhale, Iowa Girl Eats, Nutrionella, Fannestastic Food, and Petite Athleat.

Your questions are:

  1. If you could pick one meal to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  2. Salty or Sweet (you take that however you want to)?
  3. What is your go-to drink you order when you go to a bar?
  4. If you could live one other place than where you live right now, where would it be?
  5. What is a weird thing you do when you’re alone? (remember this post? That’s what I’m talking about!)
  6. What’s the one thing you cannot live without?
  7. Would you rather: make no money but work a job you absolutely love OR work a job you hate, but make $300K a year?
  8. What is your favorite TV show?
  9. If you could do one thing over in your life, what would it be?
  10. What is your biggest accomplishment thus far? Or, the thing you are most proud of?

Have fun! I can’t wait to read your responses 🙂

Questions for you: I’d love to hear your responses to some or all of the questions above… please share!