5 Things I’m Looking Forward To This Weekend

Hey there! Happy freaking Friday! I feel like this week absolutely flew by, anyone else? It wasn’t an extraordinarily busy or exciting week (just a regular ol’ work week, followed by workouts and teaching), but every part about it seemed to be in fast forward. I mean, it’s already October 11th. Yuck!

Anyway! I thought I’d share some things that I’m looking forward to this weekend, because that always gets me in a better mood. Plus, I want to know what you’re looking forward to this weekend, too!

1. Going to the dentist. Yeah, that’s weird, right? I love getting my teeth cleaned and haven’t been to the dentist in an embarrassingly long time (who else ends up skipping dentist appointments all together when/if they have to get rescheduled? That’s totally what happened here!).

2. Heading to Maine tomorrow to spend the weekend hanging out with my parents and escaping from my Boston life for a while. Sometimes a girl just needs to get away!


3. Foliage and leaf peeping! The drive up to Maine at this time of year is absolutely amazing. I’m going to crank some good tunes and soak it all in.

4. A little shopping in Kittery on my way north, puttering around some stores in Maine and maybe (hopefully) getting my hair cut. Oh, and enjoying some relaxing time where I can drink wine and maybe even sit by the fireplace… It’s the little things…


5. Prep some fun posts for the next week and give B2B a little lovin’. I’ve had a few workout post ideas in mind, but haven’t had time to get them actually done, so I hope to do that this weekend!

Your turn! What are you looking forward to this weekend? Where do you go when you need to ‘get out of dodge’?