Wednesday Workout: Italy Workout Series {Part 1- Countdown bodyweight}

Good morning! I haven’t shared a workout with you in forever, so today is your lucky day because not only do I have one workout for you, but I’m also throwing in a bonus one πŸ˜‰

I know some people don’t like to workout on vacation, but personally, I like to try and keep somewhat consistent with my workouts … partly because it’s my “me” time and is something that makes me happy, but also because it’s easier to get back into the full swing of things after vacation if I’ve kept active during the vacation. But, with that said, my workouts while on vacation are no where near what they are when I’m not on vacation. I don’t search out gyms, I don’t workout for a long time, I don’t workout if I don’t feel like it and I don’t let it interfere with the trip. If it fits into a particular day, then great, I’ll squeeze in a 20 minute quickie workout. But if not, then no big deal!

During our 16 day drip, I worked out 9 days. Some days it was a 20-25 minute jog around the new neighborhood/city we were staying in, some days it was stairs, some days it was a workout on our terrace and some days I used the gym (only 2 of the hotels we stayed at had gyms). Some days I skipped workout sin lieu of just taking the stairs- our hotel in Positano was 597 steps up from the beach area!! And get this- one day I got up and got changed and then decided I didn’t feel like working out so I got back in bed to snooze for a bit longer before breakfast- ha! That doesn’t happen very often πŸ˜‰

Today’s workout was one that I did on our terrace in Ischia. I didn’t want something that would require a lot of jumping (because noise), so this worked out great. 5 rounds took me a little less than 20 minutes, I think, so it was easy to squeeze in while RM got a bit more sleep.


Now for the bonus workout! The weekend leading up to our honeymoon was spent at my best friend Jessi’s “Bridal Bath” (Bachelorette party and bridal shower in one), and it didn’t allow for a workout. No big deal, but before our flight I felt like I wanted to get a little something in since I knew we would be sitting for a long time. I was exhausted, though, so I didn’t want anything that would require a lot of energy exertion. This workout was great because it was quick (maybe 15 mins) and gave me energy for the rest of the day.

10 air squats
10 pushups
10 reverse lunges (each leg)
10 V-sits

Nothing crazy, but enough to get the blood pumping!

I hope you consider trying these next time you’re in a crunch for time and find yourself without a gym πŸ™‚

Questions for you: Do you like to workout before a flight?

Wednesday Workout: 15 Minute Blast #3 {Last one of the 3 part series}

I’m back with the 3rd and final part of my 15 minute AMRAP blast series! If anyone else is running tight on time these days, then these workouts are perfect for you. They are quick & dirty, as I like to say. They cover multiple muscle group, require minimal equipment and are over in a flash. A win-win-win combination if you ask me!

In this workout we’re working the legs/glutes with lunges and the upper body with biceps curls. I’m not one to usually focusΒ on specifically working the smaller muscle groups, but once and a while I think it’s a nice addition to my workouts. That, and I think the lunge & bicep combination is a good one πŸ˜‰


For everything that has a “right and left” component (lunges, jumping lunges, butt kicks), perform the number of reps on each side.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Questions for you: What’s your favorite “combo” exercise?

Wednesday Workout: 15 Minute Blast # 2 {Lower, Upper & Cardio}

Remember how I shared a quickie workout a few weeks ago that was actually one part of a workout I did {seemingly} months ago? Today I’m back with part two of that workout- same format (AMRAP 15 minutes & progression style with cardio at the end), different exercises, Β but just as much fun πŸ˜‰

The exercises in this workout focus on hinging and pulling rather than squatting and pressing like the first one did. I will also warn you that the cardio combo as the last 3 moves in the circuit are killer for the upper body!

15 Minute Blast #2

I think everything here is pretty self-explanatory: SLDL= single leg deadlift (you’ll do 10 on each leg), deadlift->= do 1 standard deadlift (both legs not single leg) and in the hinged position perform a double arm row and then come back up to standing position. If you need more clarification, please don’t hesitate to let me know πŸ™‚

And with that, I’m out! I hope you all have a great rest of your week- I hope to check back in with you soon πŸ™‚


Wednesday Workout: 15 Minute Blast (lower, upper & cardio)

Remember howΒ last weekΒ I was talking about how I couldn’t find a workout that I had put on a small piece of paper? Well, as I grabbed and opened a book the other day, guess what fell out? The workout! I started to laugh, explaining to RM what I had explained to you and, as I mentioned, he goes “those papers laying around every where drive me crazy, no wonder why you lost it!” and went on to suggest that I get a notebook to keep everything together (I know him so well!). And while he has a point- I should get more organized with my workout notes- today let’s focus on the workout.

I’ll be honest- what I’m sharing with you today is only one PART of the workout I did, but it just seems as though the shorter workouts with fewer exercises in them tend to be a bigger hit on the blog so that’s the reason for cutting it down. I also changed it to a 15 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) so that you would be encouraged to really push yourself for the 15 minutes. I don’t know about you, but when I know I only have X amount of time to do my workout, I push myself a lot harder!

There’s nothing fancy about this workout, but I love the progression from squat to press to a squat and press because it really gets the heart rate up… oh, and it creates a great muscle burn πŸ˜‰ The cardio ladder at the end is a good way to finish out the circuit. Considering that this is a pretty high cardio circuit, please make sure you listen to your body and rest as necessary.

15 Minute Blast

Let me know if you try this! I’ll warn you- it starts out seemingly innocent, but after a few rounds you might need to take more and more breaks!

Questions for you: What kind of workout have you been loving lately? What is something you do that annoys your significant other or roommate?

Wednesday Workout: Jump Rope & Body Weight Circuits

Good morning! I have a workout to share with you today that’s PERFECT for weekends where you’re away or if you’re traveling for work… or if you just don’t want to go to the gym πŸ˜‰ All you need is a jump rope and your body, and if you don’t have a jump rope you can just pretend and do “air jump roping”- no biggie at all.

I created this workout a few weeks ago when it was a beautiful day and I didn’t want to go into the gym during my lunch break. I didn’t want to run because I had run the day before so I came up with a workout that got me sweaty while also allowing me to get a tan πŸ˜‰ Bonus? It left me surprisingly sore for a few days. Wait, now that I think of it, it’s not really a bonus because I was actually really sore which wasn’t fun. I guess that’s what happens when you do high reps of exercises that you haven’t done in a while! Regardless, I liked the format a lot… and I think you will, too!

The way the workout works is that you’ll start each round of each circuit with jump roping. You’ll do 3 rounds of each circuit and you’ll decrease the number of jumps by 25 each round. So, for Circuit 1, you’ll do 100 jumps, 20 squats, 15 lunges, 10 push-ups and then for round 2 of circuit 1 you’ll do 75 jumps, 20 squats, 15 lunges, 10 push-ups. Your last round will only be 50 jumps.

Jump Rope & Body Weight Circuits

Otherwise I think this is fairly straight forward, which is how I’m tending to keep my workouts these days. SLDL= single leg deadlift if you’re not familiar with that abbreviation.

All in all with a warm up and cool down this workout took me about 40-45 minutes, which is longer than I normally spend on my workouts but considering it was body weight and not a TON of cardio, it felt like the perfect amount of time. You could shorten it by only doing 2 rounds of each circuit, cutting back on reps or only doing 2 circuits.

Let me know if you try this!