Wednesday Workout: Upper Body & Cardio Circuits

Ahhh… it feels good to be back! While my schedule still isn’t allotting as much time as I would like for all the blog posts I want to write (wedding recap, pig roast recap, #buffbride workout plan recap, etc.), I’m doing my best to pop in when I can with what I can, which means today I’ve got a workout to share with you! I was telling Athena last night that my workouts have been all over the place lately, using and doing what I can, but I’ll be honest, I’ve just gotten a whole lot more lax when it comes to working out. These days, I really don’t feel like working out for a long time so my runs have been shorter, I haven’t lifted heavy weights (or even worked out in a weight room) in weeks and I’ve been doing a lot more low-impact stuff. I’m not really sure why there’s been this recent change, but I’m so proud of myself for really honoring my body and doing the best I can on any particular day.

For instance, the other day I ran 2 miles and that was it. While that may be a lot for some of you, I generally run at least 3.5-4 so it FEELS like so much less for me, but rather than feeling like I didn’t really “workout”, I feel great that I got that much in. And then yesterday morning I set my alarm to get up and workout and literally got up out of bed and started changing and realized my body was sore and needed extra rest so I got back in bed. ha! who does that?! But I knew I would’ve been pushing myself too much had I not so I did what I knew I needed to do.

If there’s anything I’ve realized in the past few weeks is that I don’t NEED to workout hard all the time or constantly have a schedule or anything like that. It’s perfectly fine- good, in fact- to take it down a notch every once and a while and keep movement up, but just a lighter type of movement. If you’re feeling like you’re forcing your workouts and just not feeling into them, I urge you to listen to your body and give it- and your mind- a break!

With that said, today’s workout is another quickie and has been one of the first “normal” workouts for me in a while. All I used was a set of dumbbells and a resistance band. I really liked it!

Upper Body & Cardio Blast Circuits

Few explanations:

  • For the push-ups to side plank, do a total of 10 push-ups, meaning you’ll only do 5 side planks on each side. It goes: push-up, side plank right, push-up, side plank left
  • For the combo moves, you’ll do the first move and then the second move and that’s 1 rep
  • For the seated rows, place the resistance band around your feet as you sit with them extended out straight and create enough tension so that you have resistance as you pull your elbows back.
  • Front pull aparts- In a standing position hold the band out in front of you. Make sure you have enough tension so that it’s taught at the start and then while keeping your core tight, pull the band apart- you’ll feel this in your back for sure!
  • For the leg lowers w/OH DB extension this means you’ll start on your back with your feet extended up over your hips. Hold one dumbbell with both of your hands and extend it over your chest. As you lower your legs, lower the DB back over your head. Make sure to keep your core engaged and your lower back pressed down into the ground/mat.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!!

Questions for you: Do you ever take breaks from your normal intensity workouts? 



Wednesday Workout: 20 Minute Hotel Room AMRAP Workout

Wait, what?! Is this really a true “Wednesday Workout” post? I just scrolled through my posts and realized that I haven’t posted a workout for you in over a MONTH, so for those of you who come here only for those- I’m sorry! I hope you read this post which explained why I haven’t been sharing workouts on here as frequently as I used to.

I wanted to share this workout with you today because with summer basically here, it likely means lots of travel/vacations are popping up, which could result in having less time to get to your normal gym time. This workout is perfect for those times where you’re traveling and/or just away from your normal gym because it can be done anywhere: in a hotel room, in a house, on the beach, at a park- you get the idea! Quickie body weight workouts are a great way to get in a sweat without hindering your plans or taking away time from something more fun.

I don’t know if it was because I was tired from traveling, stressed from work or just because this was a tough workout, but I was really huffing and puffing throughout the whole thing. I was originally on a pace to finish 8 rounds but only finished 6 rounds and then the squats on the 7th round. By the end I was drenched and felt sufficiently worked!

20 Minute AMRAP Hotel Room Workout

A hyperlapse snapshot of the workout can be found here:

Let me know if you try this!

Questions for you: Do you have a lot of travel plans this summer?

Wednesday Workout: 5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Workouts This Spring

Ahh, dare I say that spring might have FINALLY decided to show up?! With all of the cold, rainy, gloomy weather we’ve been having in New England, it feels pretty good to have some nicer weather gracing us with its presence! Along with nicer weather comes the option of getting to get outside for your workout instead of being stuck in the gym (unless you’re coming to a class, of course, because you shouldn’t feel stuck about that 😉 ), which is one of my favorite parts about the weather warming up. Although I was able to run outside pretty consistently this past winter, it feels so much better to get to run outside with minimal layers on.

But, if you still feel like you need a little something extra to put some pep in your step and pump you up for you workouts this spring, I’ve got 5 ways that might be just what you need to get excited about working out… and also allow you to get outside for your workout- enjoy!

  1. Get Outside! You knew this was coming, right?! Whether it’s for a run, walk, run/walk combo, bootcamp, or even just your normal workout, but taken outside, getting to breathe in fresh air while you workout can be exactly what you need to push through and not dread your workout. Lately, I’ve been trying to run once or twice a week outside, but the other week I took advantage of our back patio and did this workout– all I needed was a mat, set of dumbbells and a jump rope! Or, maybe you grab a friend and head to Harvard Stadium to run stairs. I plan on doing a whole post soon with a list of organized bootcamps/workouts in & around the Boston area so if that’s your type of desired workout- sit tight!
  2. Buy Something New- There’s something about new workout clothes, shoes or equipment that makes me SO EXCITED to workout. Whether it’s a tank top, new socks or a new resistance band, just knowing I get to wear/use something new will help me get out the door to workout outside or in a class. TJ Maxx/Marshalls and Old Navy are great places to get some cute, but inexpensive items- both clothes and equipment! If you’re looking to spend a little more, Lululemon and Athleta have SUPER cute items in their spring collections (and fitness instructors- you get 15% off at Lulu and 30% off at Athleta!)
  3. Try A New Class/Gym- It seems as though every week there’s a new studio opening up or a new class being introduced, right? Is there a class you’ve been interested in checking out, but for one reason or another haven’t done so? Maybe it’s a barre class or pilates or boxing or rowing- whatever it is, maybe now is the time to finally check it out! I suggest checking with the studio prior to going because they often have new student/member discounts which is always nice.
  4. Try A Morning Class- With spring/summer comes an earlier sunrise meaning it’s a little easier to get up (is there anyone else who doesn’t sleep as well once the sun is up?), so why not try getting to the gym BEFORE work? Or maybe checking out November Project and joining them for an outdoor morning workout? Or even going for a walk or run outside. I love morning workouts, especially in the spring/summer because it leaves time after work for fun things like meeting up for drinks or going shopping or for a stroll to enjoy the weather. Check out this post for tips on how to make getting up early to workout a little easier. My friend Athena also wrote a post recently that might be of interest: My #1 Tip for Becoming A Morning Workout Person
  5. Sign Up For A Race– I haven’t run a race since October, so I was so excited when I was able to sign up for the JPMorgan Corporate Challenge race coming up in June. If running isn’t your thing, maybe you sign up for an obstacle race if there’s one coming to your town. Sometimes having an event or challenge on your calendar to look forward to or train for is just what you need to get motivated to crush your workouts and keep consistent with them.

What do you think? Do any of these things seem like something that would help you spruce up your workouts this spring? If you’re looking for ways to get outside for your workout or to spruce up your runs, I’ve got a whole bunch of outdoor workouts here.

B2B(85of143) B2B(100of143)

Photo Credit: Janelle Carmela Photography

Questions for you: What’s your favorite outdoor workout? Have you spruced up your workouts this spring? Have you tried any new classes or studios? Do you have any races or events coming up?

Wednesday Workout: 2 Upper Body Circuits & Cardio Blasts

Good morning! I don’t know about you, but I am ready to have mornings where the weather is warmer than 35-40* when I wake up. While I appreciate that it’s lighter out, warmer temps would be more encouraging for early morning runs 😉 Since the weather was chillier than I’d like to run in first thing in the morning this past Saturday morning, I opted to keep my workout inside. It actually worked out well since my legs were still sore from a lower body focused workout I had done on Thursday- it was pretty killer, if I do say so myself!

Anyway, I woke up Saturday not really knowing what I wanted to do for a workout, but I knew it couldn’t be long which is why I worked out at the house instead of going to the gym. I was on a tight schedule since I had to leave by 9:45 for my bridal shower and knew I would need extra time than normal to get ready so I decided to forego the gym. I don’t know about you, but between the time it takes to get to the gym, get started on a workout, pack up after and get home my whole workout experience takes longer than I’d like it to.

All you need for this workout is a set (or two) of dumbbells and a stability ball- easy enough, right?

Upper Body Circuits & Cardio Blast

Please make sure you do a good, dynamic warm up before jumping into this! Once you’re warmed up, grab your dumbbells & stability ball and get going 🙂 You’ll do 4 rounds of circuit 1 and then 50 reps of each cardio exercises. Then, you’ll move to circuit 2 and then finish with 25 reps of each cardio exercise. I was done in about 45 minutes!

Here are some explanations or links to videos for some exercises that aren’t very common on B2B:

  • Clean & Press– This video will give you the general visual of a clean. Think about sinking low in the legs, hinging through the hips with your back flat and arm extended straight towards the ground. Focus on using power from the legs to bring the weight up- it should come up weightlessly rather than you curling it to bring it to the racked position. Once you get it in the racked position, press it up to the ceiling, bring it down to the racked position and then shoot your hips back & let the weight pull you back down to the starting position. Try not to put the breaks on to stop the momentum.
  • Stability ball chest fly
  • DB Pullover
  • Front raise & upright row- With a light set of weights, perform a front raise, making sure to not bring the arms higher than shoulder height. Bring the weights back down and then perform an upright row by leading with the elbows (think about someone pulling your elbows up to the ceiling by strings) and stopping the weights at chest height. It’s almost like you’re zipping up your coat, but with 2 hands.

Hope you give this a try!

Questions for you: Do you prefer to take the time to get to the gym for your workout or do you prefer saving time and working out at home?

Wednesday Workout: Jump Rope Tabata & Full Body Circuits

As part of the BoxFIIT Certification I’m doing, I have to film myself doing all sorts of exercises to validate that I can, in fact, do them (and teach them). Most of the exercises- a combination of boxing moves and strength exercises- pose me little to no trouble because I do them all the time. Goblet squats? Easy. Lunges? Piece of cake. Jabs? Got it. However, over the weekend I had to film myself jumping rope, which is a little more outside of my comfort zone. I don’t feel good at jumping rope and get frustrated because I end up whipping myself with the rope so much.

After filming myself, though, I realized my issue: I don’t practice this enough so it’s no wonder why I struggle with it. We tend to skip things we aren’t good at, right? Which is exactly what I do when it comes to jump roping. But! I’m changing that. I vowed to practice jump roping more frequently to help me get more comfortable with the action of jumping over the rope. Which is precisely where this workout came from! And, I have to say that later in the day RM commented on how I looked like a good jump roper- I smiled and said “thanks! It’s something I’m working on” 😉

Jump Rope Tabata & Full Body Circuits

You’ll want to perform the reps on each leg or arm. If you have any questions on the moves, let me know. A great resource for the Pallof Press and the Waiter/Overhead Carry is my girl Stephanie’s post, which you can check out here: Train Your Core.

I hope you check this out and enjoy it. I loved it, but it could’ve been because I was outside on my patio in the beautiful, warm sunshine-y weather AND I was rocking out to Spotify, which I just recently downloaded. So far, I’m obsessed 🙂

Questions for you: What exercises do you avoid because they’re hard or you don’t feel good at them?