Happy, Healthy, Fit Challenge: Week 3 (Final Week!)

Hello, hello! Can you believe we are entering into our LAST week of this challenge?? For me, the past 3 weeks FLEW by… I literally cannot believe Christmas is in just a few days.

In case you’ve missed the other weeks of the challenge, you can find them here:

Happy, Healthy, Fit: Week 1

Happy, Healthy, Fit Challenge: Week 2

Happy, Healthy, Fit Challenge: Week 3

Here are the 3 final challenges for the week and series:

Happy, healthy fit week 4

*Monday 12/22: Go to bed 15 minutes early. At this point in December, I’m sure you’ve had plenty of weekend parties and after work get togethers and are generally pretty beat. For this challenge, all I ask is that you go to bed 15 minutes earlier than you normally do. I am REALLY looking forward to this!

*Tuesday 12/23: Plank challenge. Planks are one of my favorite core exercises because they target so many muscles and increase your general core strength, balance and stability. I posted this plank workout a few weeks ago (Wednesday Workout: 4 Minute Plank Series {Video}), so if you tried it then, it’s time for round 2 today 🙂

4 minute plank workout

Remember that there are always modifications and you can do the planks with your knees on the ground, you can do an elevated plank on a coffee table and if you’re looking for a more advanced option, try lifting a leg!

*Wednesday, 12/24: List 5 things you’re thankful for. I’m really looking forward to this challenge and to see what you’re thankful for. This time of the year is full of so many crazy things that can cause us to be stressed and overwhelmed and to lose sight on things that make us happy, that we are thankful for and that we couldn’t live without. So, I ask you to share 5 of those things with me!

Have fun- finish the challenge strong with me 🙂