Nerd Alert: I love book club! <3

My girlfriends and I have always talked about starting a book club, but for one reason or another, nothing ever manifested from those discussions. That is…. until about 6 months ago.  After too many glasses of wine, we picked our first book and decided to officially start our book club. To be honest, I wasn’t sure how it was going to go; I imagined us reading one book then switching to just a wine club- sounds about right for most book clubs, right? However, I’m pleased to say that we have actually made it quite a serious little book club:  we all bring book suggestions with descriptions for the next book, we vote on the next book, pick the next time/date/location for the book club meeting and then we discuss the book we’ve read with actual discussion questions. Granted we always do have a lot of wine and food, but still… Total nerd status, right?!


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Wednesday Workout: My New Favorite Format- single, double, hold

Good morning! For those of you in Boston or New England, how are you handling all the snow? Have you had some time off from work? I’ve had to work from home, but it’s been hard since I can’t access some things I need.  Luckily I have LOTS of blog posts I can write, especially thanks to all your suggestions this week! Thanks for all your kind words on my new format- I’m really enjoying the simplistic look and feel.

Today’s workout post has a dual purpose: to provide you with a new workout format AND exercises to do with the new format. I was initially inspired by Nicole when I saw her post this workout. I love how she took one exercise and did it 3 ways. My twist on this workout is to work an exercise in a singular way, then double (or normal) and finish with a hold; a progression, so to speak.

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Currently I’m Crushing On… {pt.2}

I have been meaning to write a second “Currently I’m Crushing On…” post for a while now, but for one reason or another, I never got around to it. I’m hoping to make this a more regular reoccurring post series, so here we go!

Chapstick Hydration Lock

I probably have some of the most chapped lips you’ll ever see. It doesn’t seem to matter how much chapstick I put on, my lips never get soft. RM jokes and calls me “chappy” and says I have this problem because I have big lips and therefore a bigger surface area to cover. I think he’s just full of it, but still. I have been trying to be better about keeping my list moisturized and this Chapstick has helped! I put the “night” side on before bed and when I get up and put the other end on throughout the day. While I still have chapped lips, they feel better when I put this on.


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Burpees to Bubbly Got A Face Lift!

Good morning and happy Monday! If this is your first time here since last week, you may have been a little surprised to see a different look on the site, right? I’m happy to say that Burpees to Bubbly has finally gotten a much needed face lift! What do you think? My goal going into the change was to make the format cleaner: less pictures, less words, cleaner format, less general clutter. With the help of patientMOON, I was able to make some big strides towards my blog revamp and face lift. They did a great job, didn’t they?

face lift

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Coconut Crusted Healthified Chicken Tenders {gluten free & dairy free}

Did I have you at “coconut encrusted”?? 🙂 RM has been getting creative in the kitchen and this was a meal that I couldn’t not share with you. Not only was it super easy to put together, it makes you feel like you’re indulging but without the guilt. These are gluten free, dairy free, packed with protein and other super foods and taste delicious. Win, win, win!

Coconut crusted chicken tenders

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