Taking A Little Blog Detox

Good morning, friends! I’m just popping in quickly to say that I’ve decided to take a little time off from the blog world this week. This has been a busy month and with the Happy, Healthy, Fit Challenge, I feel like I’ve been spending WAY too much time on social media. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been really enjoying the check-ins and pictures and sharing how I’ve been participating, but it has required me to be very active on social media which can be tiring!

So, with that said, I’m taking time this week to finish up with Christmas stuff, work, celebrating RM’s birthday and spending time with my family in Maine for Christmas. I’ve also been feeling in a bit of a rut with blogging lately and to be honest with you, I’ve been a little bored with my posts and it hasn’t been as fun for me as it usually is. And, let’s face it, if I’m not having fun writing my posts, they’re probably not that fun to read, right? I’m hoping that some time away will help to get some creative juices flowing and give me time to write about things that have been on my ever growing “blog post ideas” list. On top of that, I’m off from work until January 5th and I’m not teaching until January 3rd so it’s going to be a nice extended period of time off from my normal day to day stuff- I think I’m excited about it haha

But, before I take a blog vacation, I want to share some photo’s from the surprise party I threw for RM this past weekend. It has been in the works for almost two months now, so I am SO happy it was a success. it’s safe to say he was completely surprised and so grateful for the party! Big thanks to Athena for helping me pull off the surprise- I had her send me a fake email about getting to host a party at the Social in Newton and it totally worked! There ended up being over 30 people there ranging from home friends to family to work friends to some of my friends and even my parents! What a great party it was. (and, my gym friend, Jen, randomly showed up which was a fun surprise!)

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I hope you all have a wonderful week and holiday- sending you well wishes for this week!

Questions for you: When’s the last time you detoxed from your normal day to day life and activities? Is there anything you want to see more of or less of on the blog? Have you ever thrown a surprise party?